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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wired article

There's a wired article on the fifty hippest companies. It makes for interesting reading.

A Germ's Worst Nightmare
Last year: 33
Someday doctors will use genomic data to prevent infectious diseases. Until then, there's Gen-Probe, whose nucleic acid tests detect scourges like hepatitis, HIV, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Forty Gen-Probe products have gained FDA approval; its Procleix assay now screens more than 80 percent of the US blood supply. The result is fewer blood-borne infections, not to mention 2004 sales of $270 million and gross margins of 78 percent. That's one healthy business.
Challenge: Keep its big partners happy. Gen-Probe has been embroiled in contractual disputes with two, Chiron and Bayer.
Opportunity: Developing nations, where 43 percent of blood donations aren't tested for disease.


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