BMI Students

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Synthetic biology news from boing boing

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Tinyproxy is a cool little program that allows you to use your linux/mac box as a proxy with little overhead. This is useful because when you are away, say in Europe, you can access all the Stanford-accessible journals by going through your Stanford box. Like a lot of these little tools, this was introduced to me by Mike.


Javascript / DHTML are important technologies in bioinformatics. I swear that is why I did this.
Just Freecell

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I've just started using Synergy. Now I can use the PC on the desk next to me (I use a Mac), with the same keyboard and mouse. All I have to do is move the mouse off the left hand side of the screen and into the PCs monitor, and I can control it! It's totally like magic.

The winbutton

The BMI program has gone commercial! You the button click, money you might win. winbutton