BMI Students

Saturday, August 05, 2006

ANSI Escape Codes in Python

ANSI escape codes are surprisingly useful. For Python, the escape code is "\x1b[". Here is an example loading bar. This is a Unix thing, won't work on windows.

sys.stderr.write("\x1b[34mloading[" + " "*10 + "]\x1b[0m\r")
for i in range(10):

Here "\x1b[34" is "colour foreground red", and "\x1b[8C" means move the cursor right 8 spaces"

It prints out something like this, but with loading in red:


  • Thanks a lot, I've been using  (^[) which always gets messed up during copy/paste between different editors.

    By Blogger taoufix, at 7:00 AM  

  • Just a note for anyone else who comes across this: the sequence is actually recognized by python as 4 (or 5) distinct characters: '\x1b', '[', '#' (may be omitted), '#', and 'm'.


    By Blogger Nobu, at 6:15 PM  

  • Have you ever run across a library that does the opposite? I have a string that contains a bunch of ANSI escape codes, and I would like some code that can interpret them so that the string is cleaned up. I only want the final output, without any backspaces or other junk.

    By Blogger Jeffrey Chang, at 3:09 PM  

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