BMI Students

Friday, May 06, 2005

Emacs desktop

I recently found out about Emacs desktop. It's sweet. Every time you load emacs it remembers all the files you had open and automatically loads them all. Kind of like screen.

To use it you just have to add this to your .emacs.
(load "desktop")

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wired article

There's a wired article on the fifty hippest companies. It makes for interesting reading.

A Germ's Worst Nightmare
Last year: 33
Someday doctors will use genomic data to prevent infectious diseases. Until then, there's Gen-Probe, whose nucleic acid tests detect scourges like hepatitis, HIV, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Forty Gen-Probe products have gained FDA approval; its Procleix assay now screens more than 80 percent of the US blood supply. The result is fewer blood-borne infections, not to mention 2004 sales of $270 million and gross margins of 78 percent. That's one healthy business.
Challenge: Keep its big partners happy. Gen-Probe has been embroiled in contractual disputes with two, Chiron and Bayer.
Opportunity: Developing nations, where 43 percent of blood donations aren't tested for disease.

Using the bioxcluster

Some info on the bioxcluster:

To open the firewall, eg #usernum=152, #sunetid=brian
ssh -p 259
To ssh in there:
ssh -p 1000+#usernum
To scp files to the cluster:
scp -oport=1000+#usernum file
Submitting a job:
Deleting a job:
What jobs are running:
qstat, or showq (slow)

Format of simplest
#PBS -l nodes=1,walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -N my_job

export tempdir=$TMPDIR # temp space on local compute node
export inputdir=$HOME/dir1 # location of input files
export outputdir=$HOME/dir2 # location to put results into
export output=outfile # file for redirected standard output
export error=errfile # file for redirected standard error

cp -r $inputdir/* $tempdir

cd $tempdir

python 1>$output 2>$error

cp outfile errfile $outputdir